Thursday, August 31, 2006

ZOMBIE NOVEL: 4th Draft Nearing Completion

I've completed chapters 1-21 of the 4th Draft of DEATHBREED: A Zombie Novel. The book has 30 chapters plus an epilogue so I'm nearing the end! Word Count: 149,000. I anticipate it being roughly 400 pages long when published.

Will there be a 5th Draft? Yes, but the changes are becoming so minor that it should be a snap to zip through. My only real concern, edit-wise, is the new material that's been added in the 4th draft--some of which will undoubtedly be cut or tweaked.

There comes a time in every project where even a perfectionist has to say "It's done and is as close to perfect as it will ever be." I'm reminded of the old saying, "Art is never finished, only abandoned." The trick is knowing when to release it and move on to the next project!


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