Thursday, July 06, 2006

ZOMBIE NOVEL: Second Draft Underway

Now begins the long and painful editing process of DEATHBREED... The dreaded Second Draft! The good news is, going back and rereading the early chapters was not the nail-biting "is it any good?" experience I was worried about. There's definitely a novel here, and a damn good one, IMO. Not that it doesn't need polishing... A little trim here, a little added there, but overall, it is kicking ass. I love it and believe in it, and that's what's most important. Hopefully, my fans and the public will embrace it as well--though the book is so delightfully, unrelentingly vicious I don't expect much mainstream appeal. Which is fine. I create my art first and foremost for myself; if others dig it, even better. If not, well--screw 'em. You can't please everyone!


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