Wednesday, November 15, 2006

ZOMBIE NOVEL: 6th Draft Begins

Well it looks like I spoke too soon and there will be a 6th draft of my novel after all. I began it Monday and am 85 pages in. I spent 10 hours on it Monday and 6 more Tuesday. I expect to conclude it by next Monday. Also, my editor's back onboard--hopefully that works out. She's going to pick up her edit on the 5th draft from where she left off in the 3rd (Chapter 28), then start over from the beginning on the 6th draft... So there may be a 7th draft depending on what she finds.

I don't anticipate any of this causing a delay in the book's release but it might push it into January 2007. I'm still trying to get the trailer and website done as well so those are major contributing factors to any possible delay. Believe me, if I could snap my fingers and have everything ready, I would. I want Deathbreed to be the best possible book it can be and so I'm really pushing hard to make that happen. More news later in the week as the 6th draft continues. Hang in there!


Blogger Todd Tjersland said...

Had a bunch of movie production business crop up these past two days and the beginning of chapter 7 was giving me fits. I knew it needed something but nothing I tried seemed to work so I ended up watching most of Season 2 of Nip/Tuck instead. Sometimes you just need a break, you know? Anyway, I got lucky and hit the ground running today. The mystery of Deathbreed's new intro to chapter 7 finally resolved itself and I was able to press on. I'm 103 pages into the 6th draft.

Chapter 8 beckons...

Friday, November 17, 2006 4:20:00 PM  
Blogger Todd Tjersland said...

Yay! 6th draft, Chapter 10 done! I'm 142 pages into the book now. The going is a bit slower than I'd like but I'm really happy with the results. On to Chapter 11...

Sunday, November 19, 2006 10:32:00 PM  
Blogger Todd Tjersland said...

Chapter 11 done. It's amazing how much I'm cutting out of this draft; a line here, a paragraph there. I'm looking for anything that isn't essential--tightening things up.

Monday, November 20, 2006 2:26:00 AM  
Blogger Todd Tjersland said...

Chapter 12 complete and chapter 13 is well underway. The 6th draft seems to be getting easier as I progress.

Monday, November 20, 2006 5:40:00 PM  
Blogger Todd Tjersland said...

Chapter 14 is done (191 pages into the 6th draft). Got slowed down by reworking one of the sound bites into a live CDC press conference on the zombie virus.

I've managed to cut over a thousand words so far in this draft even after adding more in.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006 5:18:00 AM  

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